New non-invasive skin treatment for areas of your skin that show signs of damage from acne, certain skin cancers, sun damage, solar keratosis, age spots and other causes.
Allows you to target specific areas and gives very effective results

Photon LED Tender is currently the worlds top scientific and technology achievement.
Which applied the light on the dynamic response of photodynamic to skin treatment and conservation, is facial skin care experts with no side effects.

Treat broken capillaries, sun damage, mottled pigmentation, redness from rosacea, skin texture changes, fine wrinkles, enlarged oil glands, acne and actinic keratosis (pre-cancerous lesions)
Photon LED Tender-skin IPL comprises red and blue light

Through red light irradiation, it can activate lots of enzymes, such as catalase, etc.
and diminish the chroma of some unnecessary color amine in some tissues, speed up compounding hepatin, protein, and fibrin and increase tissue's metabolism.
Transfer light energy into cell inter energy, accelerate circulation of cell growth process cycle, stimulate the fiber cell to produce collagen protein.
It has unexpected effects of repairing aging skin, acne skin, skin patches, wrinkled skin, allergies and the sunburnt skin, without any injury or discomfort to the skin.
Curative Effect

for any skin, promote blood circulation, and regenarate collagen protein in order to smooth skin and heal xerodermia, exuviation, degenerate folliculosis

for sensitive, oil, and comedo skin - diminish and eliminate acne bacilus to remove acne, whelk, promote to compound protein with ossein, activate skin, tighten slack skin and gravidity wrinkle
Photodynamic is cold light, and will not produce high heat or burn the skin.