Acne is an inflammatory disease caused when the sebaceous gland (found in the hair follicle) produces too much oil, or ‘sebum’, bacteria builds up and this can result in a break out.

An inflammation can cause acne lesions such as blackheads, pimples, nodules and cysts.

Our skin specialists have been trained to advanced level and have a thorough understanding of not only skin but also the acne causes, complications and cures on all types of skin texture, colour and age.

The usual GP of dermatologist approach to treating acne is antibiotics.
Some of which can be very aggressive and their effect can diminish over time as resistence grows.

At Milady Medical Spa, we believe in a less aggressive approach using a variety of well targeted and properly formulated treatment products, anti-acne treatments (microdermabrasion, anti-acne fractional mesotherapy, deep pore cleansing facials, chemical peels) and Laser therapy.

Treating an acne condition and associated acne scarring is something we do very regularly at Milady Medical Spa and with excellent results.

Providing you have worked with your prescribed products at home within just a few weeks of your acne treatment, you will start to see real and exciting results as your acne fades and your new skin looks smoother and clearer.