The problem of large skin pores is caused by over-secretion of oil by the oil glands.
There are two main factors that contribute to large pores:
genetics and age.

When the pore becomes clogged by dirt and bacteria, oil within the pore begins to accumulate, causing the pore's diameter to expand.
Most people who have large pores are those in the oily to combination skin type.

Squeezing clogged pores and acne spots causes major scarring, so step away from the mirror and put your hands down!
We all want satiny smooth skin, unfortunately large pores often stand in the way of having that.

Pores are more noticeable on parts of the face, like the forehead and the nose, where the sebaceous glands are bigger.
Masks with Kaolin clay in them are great for those with large, clogged pores. You only need to use them once or twice a week for noticeable benefits.

During summer time, our pores appear especially huge because of the intense heat and excessive sebum secretion.
Pores do not "open" or "close"
Exfoliating on a regular basis will definitely give the appearance of shrinking pores.
